Patzcuaro and Janitzio Island Travel Blog | Hotel in Patzcuaro

Posada de Don Vasco


Museums of Pátzcuaro: A Glimpse into Regional Art and History

What to do in Patzcuaro for a day?

Make the most of your day! Discover what to do in Patzcuaro for a day

What to do near Patzcuaro? Get to know Lake Camécuaro in Michoacán

Visit Lake Camécuaro and discover what activities you can do in the lake.

The mystical ancient civilization settlement in Patzcuaro, Michoacan

One of the most important ancient civilization settlements of Mexico: Ihuatzio. Only 10% has been revealed due to a lack of funds.

Visit Janitzio, one of the main tourist attractions in Michoacan

Janitzio is one of the most fascinating tourist attractions in Michoacan, there is no doubt about that

Bowling: a game passed down from our ancestors to enjoy with our loved ones

History reveals that bowling has been enjoyed as a pastime in Egypt dating all the way back to 5200 BC

Visit Santa Fe de la Laguna, Michoacan - One of the places that inspired the Disney movie “Coco”

It’s well known that the creators of the Disney movie “Coco” relied on several destinations within Mexico for inspiration.